ellie website ^_^
currently under construction
please take your shoes off at the door
i need a new header
I'm intending to use this website to post things such as mini essays / reviews about things i like, blogs of things i'll've done, ways to access finished projects of mine if any, and links to other websites that i have accounts on, as well as to share art and similar things i find!
About Me!!
a brief passage wherein you gain an insight into me
Hi everyone!
My name is Eliza Sullivan; please diminutiveise/nicknameise it however you want, Ellie and Lillie are popular choices. I take she/her pronouns.
I'm 18 years old, and i started making this website in early 2025. I'm currently living in Ireland. As of making the website i am in the throes of a particularly severe Pokemon fixation. and my favourite one is Gengar.
Things that i like include but are not limited to:
- Music, films, books
- Video/tabletop/card/board games
- Game design in general
- Art in general
- Sociology and anthropology, philosophy, etymology and linguistics
- People and things that other people like
- Writing about things